Fafali 1000 - is a 2-seat, side-by-side conventional tractor layout airframe, and will be brought to market as a 600kg BCAR/S LSM and 750kg CS-VLA model. This will be unveiled in 2023, and our prototype is expected to commence flight tests in 2024 with production starting in 2025. Target entry price is £99,000 for a ready-to-fly 130hp Fafali 1000 LSM and £125,000 for the 180hp Fafali 1000 VLA.
Fafali 2000 - is a 2-seat side-by-side pusher configuration, which will be the first model to incorporate the more advanced smart and energy diverse solutions, building on the structures and cabin layout from Fafali 1000. It is expected to be unveiled in 2024/25, with production starting in 2026. Fafali 2000 will enter the market with dual power source options, and is aimed at the 750kg CS-VLA markets with a target entry price of £150,000.
Fafali 3000 and Fafali 4000 are our concept 3- and 4-seat aircraft (planned to enter development in 2030 or sooner, funding permitting) that will build on the structures and developments of Fafali 1000 and 2000. These will be aimed directly at the surveillance and humanitarian markets, with adaptations specifically developed for operations in developing nations. It is expected that these models will be offered as CS23 aircraft. It is expected that these models will offer state of the art powerplant and energy storage systems ready to meet the 2050 nett zero aviation ambitions.
These aircraft will be built in Haverfordwest using our state-of-the-art production cell using 4- and 5-axis high precision CNC machines, and our 'raw-material-to-finished-product' low carbon production ethos. We aim to have one of the lowest carbon footprints in light aviation production as well as the most recyclable airframe.